Haven’t You Heard?


Headphone and speaker manufacturer JBL has a rich pedigree (their speakers were used everywhere from Woodstock to Studio 54), but have not been able to find the right balance of messaging their history with the current iteration of the brand.

Not only did the brand want to find ways to incorporate their heritage into its content, but they also wanted to show their support of the Pride movement to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the first marches in the US.

So what powered the Pride movement in its early years? The four-on-the-floor beats and egalitarian clubs of Disco. And those clubs on the whole used JBL speakers to bump Disco music across the country.

Originally planned as an in-person activation at Pride in New York, I pivoted this to Instagram content that celebrated Disco’s importance to the Pride movement and JBL’s involvement in the genre. The story was accompanied by a Spotify playlist created by yours truly that gave users an entry point to the world of Disco.

This proved to be a way more genuine celebration for the pride movement, as opposed to a brand just slapping a rainbow on their logo.

Swipe through below, and while you’re at it, check out the playlist for a trip through Disco history.