
Baltimore Bohemians

Let’s hear it for the bohs


How do you create a soccer club from scratch? One that will resonate in a rough-and-tumble town with a group of sports fans known for their discerning passion?

This was my mission when I joined the leadership group for the minor league soccer club Baltimore Bohemians. As a part owner and director of marketing, I was given the opportunity to build an identity for the club and create a team that the city of Baltimore could call their own.

From designing unique, distinctive jerseys and merchandise to creating print, social, and out-of-home marketing material, to managing the club’s online presence, I jumped at the chance to work on a project that combined two things I’m extraordinarily passionate about (soccer ⚽ and Charm City 🦀).


I dedicated five years of nights and weekends to this, while maintaining a full time job in New York — going back and forth between the two cities and putting a lot of charges on my EZPass.

The club struck a nerve with fans, and we struggled to keep our merchandise in stock. I managed to secure a partnership with beloved local beer National Bohemian (naturally), who sponsored the club and whose mascot “Mr. Boh” became a part of the club’s lore. We received coverage in national media like Sports Illustrated — a first for a fourth division club — and I was awarded the United Soccer Leagues Media Award in our first season for my efforts.

Read more about the club in a season-long diary I penned for The Classical.
